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                WHY CHOSE LIANFU?

                Why Join Us

                Core technologies

                Own R&D platform, unique technology, continuous product iteration


                Concerning human health, emission reduction and energy saving of industry and commerce, carbon neutrality

                Zero risk

                The agent's annual return on investment>100%

                Product stickiness

                End users have strong product stickiness, and agents make profits every year in one sale


                Professional training and management guidance to make your investment safe and reliable

                After-sales service

                Agents can return and exchange products to provide lifetime protection

                Eight big support

                Full range of marketing support system, consulting professional operation guidance
                Let your business worry free, development more competitive.

                Provide diversity
                The product

                Business plan

                Business support

                Technical Support

                After-sales service
                stand by

                Professional Training

                Sales tools

                Less investment
                Less risk


                Cooperative partner


                Product advantages

                Subvert the industry concept: change the principle of scale inhibition, fundamentally eliminate the generation of scale; Solve the world's problems! The product fills the new blank in the field of scale inhibition technology.

                Under the same conditions, the scale inhibition rate of 99.99% is only 0.5ppm, and the traditional scale inhibitors on the market need at least 20-120ppm.

                Food grade, non-toxic, tasteless, harmless to human body; very stable physical and chemical properties; neutral pH value; no secondary pollution

                The special molecular structure does not affect the scale inhibition efficiency under high pH value and high temperature environment (below 200℃)

                Effectively prevent pipeline corrosion, inter-crystal corrosion, stress corrosion, pitting corrosion, corrosion under scale, microbial corrosion, etc.

                Join Lianfu

                CONTACT US

                Unite the advantages of all parties to build a science and technology platform for the benefit of all mankind!

                Contact message

                020 - 3770 5101


                Room 301, Jinhua Building 1, TIESHANHE Meidong Industrial Park, sandang Avenue, Huadu District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province