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                Service provider of comprehensive solutions to scale problems

                Share the future with Lianfu

                We care about you!

                Excellent after-sales service

                Service Center

                From product to responsibility

                Committed to making millions of families use high-quality products


                Outstanding core technology

                Have a stable management and technical team


                Good brand reputation

                It is exported to Europe, America, Southeast Asia, Africa and other countries, and has reached cooperation with some of the world's top 500 companies to provide services.


                High-end quality assurance

                Professional fields involve high-end water treatment industry, nutrition and health industry, biomedicine industry and nanomaterials research and development, application and other fields.


                Let your business worry free, development more competitive。

                Franchise advantages

                Anti-scaling is a great undertaking: it is related to human health, emission reduction and energy saving in industry and commerce, and carbon neutrality.

                Franchise advantages

                Guangzhou Lianfu has its own R&D platform with unique technology and continuous product iteration.

                Franchise advantages

                End users have strong product stickiness, and agents make profits every year in one sale.

                Franchise advantages

                The agent's annual return on investment is >100%.

                Franchise advantages

                Guangzhou Lianfu provides lifetime guarantee.

                Our partner

                cooperative partner